It's been a year plus...
Several of the past officers (now moved on to other appointments) and my fellow ex-colleagues were also invited for this grand get-together. I realised many things has progressed on after my resignation from the Army back in Nov 2003 and that people have also grown. But one thing I noticed was the spirit of comraderie within my unit has not ceased to manifest itself through the video clips/ past photos and tonight's dinner.
New and younger officers are taking a more active and genuine interest in the welfare of the men, newer policies of the Army has transformed and shaped the operations of my unit, people have moved on...etc. My CO was promoted, my former OC was also promoted... many have assumed commandship of the companies either as OC or 2ICs.
People like Yong Ming and Wei Siang has started their term as university students, Cindy is now attached (this one is really a news out of the blue coz her partner is someone I would have never thought of), Ignatius went off to MES together with Dave and Jaya... and the old gang (we used to jio each other out for KTV sessions) consisting of Han Song, Jason and the rest mentioned were 'disbanded'... I guess really the chinese proverb 天下无不散之宴席 is so true...
Tonight met up with many familiar faces like the Warrant officers and senior officers whom I have worked with throughout my 2.5 years in GSMB. Sometimes I do wonder if I made a good impression in them or is it just formalities... I mean during my stint as an officer, I try my best to do what I must do, and balancing the diplomatic and assertiveness aspects which is required in my job. And I always remember my OCS seniors telling me that WOSEs are your best friends and they can get things done alot faster if you are close with them. This I have followed all the way, in fact, I still addressed them as Mdms and Enciks. Sometimes I just want to know if they remembered me as a good officer or just another one they have seen in their course of duty...
Well, tonight brought back a lot of memories when I was still active in the unit. The never-ending beer swigging, the loud and undeniable company YUM SENG competitions, the talks about the old times and the new changes, the updates on who's who and what's what... Everyone I met was asking me how I was doing outside now and I was quite pleased to tell them that my photography business is doing okie. It's really been an eventful year 2004 and I pray that 2005 will be the year of greater accomplishments for my side.
Till later!