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New Year's Day 2005

Wheehoo.... it's 2005!!!

Man, in a blink of an eye, it's already a year past and the new year has come. Here's wishing all a God blessed New Year and may all your resolutions come true!

Well, there's much happenings all over the world, esp. the recent disaster of the 8.9 magnitude earthquake and the resultant tsunamis causing more than 130,000 deaths all over the SouthEast Asia. We must continue to pray for God's hand to guide the operations at the disaster zones so that calm and general health levels can be restored in the quickest time possible.

Sitting down typing my blog on New Year's day... kinda feeling full of resolute and determined to fulfil my resolution this year... hahha.. well, here's my resolutions for 2005:

1) Lose Weight!
Yupz, ever since my OCS days, I have ballooned to such an extent that I myself start to pull the alarm bells... this is getting too outta hand! My ideal weight was 75kg (BMI) but now... I'm 90kg!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO my priority resolution is to shave off at least 10kg by the mid of the year through exercising and build some muscles (hopefully I won't be tempted by the tubs of Ben & Jerry's Chucky Monkeys, Super Chocolate Fudge Delight, Chocolate fondue ... (yes... I'm a slef professed Choco-holic.. I love choc so much...)

2) Earn my 1st $50,000 in profit by end year.
This year will be a year where I want to build my photography career to the next level. Commercial jobs will be my focus and travelogue jobs are a positive outlook. I pray for God to give me the talent and sensitivity to recognise business opportunities when they come along. He has so graciously prosper me with good customers who appreciate my work and I'm really grateful to Him. Afterall, I may not be doing what I'm doing if not for His plan.

3) Start my own photography project and have an exhibition.
Well, it's really a secret wish to be counted in the big league with the more well-known photographers like Ming, Darren Soh, Ken Seet, Roy Zhang, RueyLoon...etc and although I still haven't reach their standards yet but I do want to be one of the future band of younger photographers who can succeed them in time to come. Therefore, my resolution is to improve my style of shooting and hopefully, band up with the upcoming photographers like Brett, James ...etc to set up our own exhibition.

Well,.. that's really something to look forward and work towards to in the new year! Hmm.... well, the 1st 6 months of the year would be quite a rush as I have an ICT to go to in March and to plan for a 10 days Japan trip in May.. hahah.. yes! finally decided to stop going Taiwan and hitting other shores. Japan has always been one of fav. destinations (must be due to those mangas and jap serials that I have been watching since Secondary sch) and finally, my darling and I have decided to make the trip to see the sakura blooms this year.

Okie... written quite enough..

Later people! ^.^

About me

  • I'm Shutterbug
  • From- Singapore
  • What- Photographer
My profile



Supporter of:

    Pupsik Studio

    Sparkle Thots

Movie muse

    IronMan 2008 *****/5

Shout Outs


  • 15/12 :: Proud owners of our own Loft!

  • 19/12 :: House Reno begins

  • 19/12 :: All-White XMas Party @ The Pond

  • 20/12 :: WPN Xmas Party @ Lightpixels Wessex

  • 25/12 :: Merry Christmas everyone!

  • 31/12 :: New Year's Eve Dinner @ Yveon Loft

  • 01/01 :: Happy 2009 everyone!

  • 07/12 - 10/12 :: Good bye Bishan, Hello Bukit Panjang

  • 19/01 :: Renovation completion



  • To serve more efficiently in God's kingdom

  • To cultivate a closer relationship with my loved ones

  • To lose 10 kgs

  • To learn to be more sensitive spiritually and emotionally

  • To go for a liveonboard dive trip again

  • To exercise musicianship professionally

  • Have a solo photography exhibition in 2008

  • Love more, give more and bless others more!

  • Expanding my photography business

Travel dreams...

  • Watch a live Sumo match in Japan

  • Climb Mt Fuji

  • Watch the Northern lights

  • Play the slots in Las Vegas

  • Trek Nepal

  • Dive in Maldives

  • Shoot New York City


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