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Just winding down...

Time now: 04:18am Monday morning....

Sigh.. my body is out of sync liao... I dun understand it but I think it could be the adrenaline from the wedding dinner shoot just now @ Beaufort Hotel, Sentosa. It was a good event, with a really alternative chinese wedding style mixed with unconventional details like playing 60s-70s Shanghainese-style music throughout the night, the bride & groom had 3 changes of clothings (which happened every 2-3 dishes) and no cutting of the wedding cake.

I guess was really tired from the last few days of activities so today (Sunday), I seemed to be more serious and quiet than I usually am.

Just a small resount of the past 2 days:

X'mas day was fun... managed to distribute about 75% of the presents we (Ms Clover & mua) bought for our close friends. Really hope everyone like the presents : ) A mini blooper was made by me during the little get-together lunch @ Cafe Cartel - din know about a postponement in A & V's wedding so I managed to be the dumbass that afternoon. Sigh... and worse, we bought a ring pillow for them. Thanks to Nana, TehPeng and Lil'Ms Snooze for their presents!

Sigh.. have to go back earlier instead of continuing the shopping @ J8 coz I need to put some of this couple's photos together for a slideshow presentation on Boxing Day (that's 26th Dec) and prep for a small BBQ gathering @ Ms Clover's place. Ha! din know I miss BBQ-ing so much... the smell of charcoal cooked chicken wings and chicken steaks... yumz! Well, din again manage to join the whole lot of them in BBQing for long coz of this presentation.

Well... the result was good. The couple was tremediously pleased (esp. the bride coz she was a fine arts student), the crowd was pleased. I thank God for His gift of creativity as He guides my thought process and creativity during the making of this presentation. Only later after viewing it, I realised that every slide really represent someone and something to all who viewed: some of nostagic nature, some ofdirect involvement, some of appreciation of uniqueness in still picture composition...etc, when I viewed the slideshow in the ballroom with everyone, I really gave thanks to Him for the simple beauty of the things He has led my eye to capture and tailoring it seamlessly to the couple's request.

I think the greatest reward was the many appreciation comments I got from the guests who really like the way I presented the previous day event to them and everything made sense. The bride's students (she's a tertiery lecturer) even toasted me... very funny.

Well, the next few days would be reserved for 1) buying my wireless router and ethernet card, 2) editing another wedding previous to this one and getting some sleep. Heh! tomorrow going to watch KUNG FU HUSTLE with Ms clover and shopping for our iPod mini's accessories... maybe I should get a 'Her's only' iPod mini for Ms clover.

Update more later! ^.^

wow, looks like u had an eventful Xmas weekend! Best pressie must be the ipod mini! =)

heh heh...the ipod is indeed a nice present to have... but the buying of accessories are like killing my not-so-fat wallet lor...

looks like you guys had a cosy time together too :D

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About me

  • I'm Shutterbug
  • From- Singapore
  • What- Photographer
My profile



Supporter of:

    Pupsik Studio

    Sparkle Thots

Movie muse

    IronMan 2008 *****/5

Shout Outs


  • 15/12 :: Proud owners of our own Loft!

  • 19/12 :: House Reno begins

  • 19/12 :: All-White XMas Party @ The Pond

  • 20/12 :: WPN Xmas Party @ Lightpixels Wessex

  • 25/12 :: Merry Christmas everyone!

  • 31/12 :: New Year's Eve Dinner @ Yveon Loft

  • 01/01 :: Happy 2009 everyone!

  • 07/12 - 10/12 :: Good bye Bishan, Hello Bukit Panjang

  • 19/01 :: Renovation completion



  • To serve more efficiently in God's kingdom

  • To cultivate a closer relationship with my loved ones

  • To lose 10 kgs

  • To learn to be more sensitive spiritually and emotionally

  • To go for a liveonboard dive trip again

  • To exercise musicianship professionally

  • Have a solo photography exhibition in 2008

  • Love more, give more and bless others more!

  • Expanding my photography business

Travel dreams...

  • Watch a live Sumo match in Japan

  • Climb Mt Fuji

  • Watch the Northern lights

  • Play the slots in Las Vegas

  • Trek Nepal

  • Dive in Maldives

  • Shoot New York City


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