31st December 2005
My thoughts after 365 days of 2005:
The passing year has been an amazing journey, a year has passed so quickly and very soon, we are back to the point where we think about our past accomplishments and make new year resolutions once again.
I have been to many countries and has been blessed with many assignments to expand my photography vision to a new height. I would like to gve thanks to God for His great divine plan and His grace in giving me a talent so I can bless others with. I'm thankful that in many ways, I can say Amen! to the grace of God and Hallejulah! to His hand in my life.
I had the opportunity to visit Sri Lanka just barely 6 months after the dreaded Tsunamis that struck many regional countries in the S.E.A on 26th Dec 2004 and participated in the rebuilding phase and experience for myself 1st hand on dealing with the toils of human emotions and how a natural disaster can affect a country, its economy, its people and its future generations.
A trip to Hong Kong taught me how precious land space is in a typical Hong Kong flat and I am thankful for the ample space I enjoy in my own HDB apartment, how beautiful an island can be despite its clutterness and its claustrophobic surroundings.
On how the blooming economy of China has created super entertainment cities like ShenZhen that caters and welts the appetites of all who visit to what else China has to offer to her visitors. Great services, great entertainment and a market to be developed.
Will finish update in part 2 - time for lunch ^.^
Happy New Year Ron!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:39 AM