Whirlwind week....
In another 2.5hrs, I will be going down to Sentosa to shoot a prewedding shoot for a client... and I guess the pressure is set in by the fact that he's an artist himself so there's a form of pressure on my side (internal most prob) to perform. THe butterflies built up once again.
Thank God that my 1st dateline has passed without glitches. I have finished the design layout of the June Issue of Onward Soldiers, a MCF publication for the military and christians in the Military force, a work I've been doing since 2002. Now is to wait for my editor to finish vetting it before I sent for proof printing.
This week has 2 major shoots - One is this prewedding, one is from NCSS. I really kinda have this love/hate r/s with shooting: a love for photography and the adrenaline but a hate for the nervousness that builds up before the shoot... not that I'm not confident but just that I have my own certain expectations of the shoot and the turn-outs. Perfectionist? Yes, I'm quite a self professed one at that...
This week I'll also be celebrating my birthday... ha.. time really flew and in a blink I'm 1 year older than 1/4 of a century (which I commented to Ms Clover last year that time really flew coz I'm 1/4 century old liao)... looking back at the 26 years, I saw my life really as one that's humbled and blessed by God Almighty. He has shown me and guided me thru some of life's challenges and has shaped me to be what I am today.
Well, please pray that the weather and everything is covered in God's hand!