sports injury
Was plaing squash with Sam last night and with a spectecular attempt to return the squash ball which is cruising near the wall, I smashed into the wall instead.... DUH! Result was a bruised left rib cage.
It was a total stunner when I impacted and for a moment, I got the breath knocked out of me... thank God that nothing is broken (hopefully not) but I woke up this morning with a lot of pain at the side. So that proves one thing: MUST GO EXERCISE OFTEN and NO VIGOROUS SPORTS THE 1st TIME.
If you think squash is some easy sport.. I really beg to differ.. that rubber ball really is a bugger to catch in top speed and spin... the game's fast and definitely good for those who wants a cardio workout in minutes.
Sigh, dunno if I can get a cert to excuse myself from doing IPPT end this March during ICT... heh heh heh