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what a weekend...

Sigh.. the weekend came and gone like the passing cloud. To think it's already 1 week since I came back from Taipei!! Argh... why holidays pass so fast when you are having fun?

SO here I am now, typing my 2nd post which I think is a good start coz I've nearly decided to give up on logging in as I have changed my login password so many times till I got bored... the trouble with internet securities and a weak memory.

Oh okie, the weekend was a little hectic. Went to cover Sharon's childcare center's graduation ceremony on Friday with Leon and then one more for Sharon's friend (who runs another childcare center also) on Sat morning... the kids were so cute... man... really adorable :D Kinda like little dolls in costumes. Their performances on the stage were a sight - dancing with hoolahoops, playing musical instruments (ohh yeah, I got kicked in the lens by a ball aimed by one of these preschoolers during a performance) and having fun. I guess the main thing is these little children see the whole entire performance as fun, something we adults seemed to have forgotten most of the time, only to realise it when we are watching them.

I like taking shots of children in my photography line. One thing is they are really a challenge to work with and yet the easiest also. Children have such natural expressions and emotions that it's almost impossible to hide them and thus, capturing those expressions is indeed rewarding. How to be involved in their world while achieving your shoot objectives and how do you react to them are some of the challenges in store. Sometimes, we can't deal with their questions and curiosity with an adultlike manner as they will not be able to understand where you are coming from but when the moment you start to think like them, it makes communication easier. Some of the kids at the graduation center are really smart, some can even be called precocious in their mannerism and behaviour but then again, kids will always be kids.

well, so far this weekend was fully occupied with selecting and post-processing the photos, at the same time, looking after my poor girlfriend who has fallen sick with mild gastric flu. Thank God she recovered on Sunday. Ohh... heh heh we also went to watch THE INCREDIBLES that sunday... the feature animation film is so good that it has totally taken animation to the next level again. The storyline, the plot, the technicalities and the character development (and not to forget, the endless propaganda of the perfect American life) is ace. This film will beat Finding Nemo in box office sales .. remember to get the DVD!

Okie, speaking of THE INCREDIBLES, I wonder if the idea of having super powers ever creep into your mind while watching it? Hehehe... well, it has for me but later after the show, I realised that we are already having super powers. The evolution process has placed man above the foodchain and that with our given talents we have already created so many things that benefits the many many others in this world. Think about the super structures we have like buildings, bridges, planes and computers, all these are created by man's creativity. While the average population like you and me aren't those who invent or create these objects but we are already influencing our surroundings with our ways. Think about it ya.

Anyway, I guess I have blabbered long enough.. still got some critical work to do... so later dudes!


Yes lor.was also thinking if I can have any super power, what would I want? Maybe the power to conjure $$ from air. Then I can do so much, for myself, for my family and friends and for the world. No one will be poor ever!

Secretly, all of us wish for that super power as well :)

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About me

  • I'm Shutterbug
  • From- Singapore
  • What- Photographer
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Supporter of:

    Pupsik Studio

    Sparkle Thots

Movie muse

    IronMan 2008 *****/5

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Previous posts


  • 15/12 :: Proud owners of our own Loft!

  • 19/12 :: House Reno begins

  • 19/12 :: All-White XMas Party @ The Pond

  • 20/12 :: WPN Xmas Party @ Lightpixels Wessex

  • 25/12 :: Merry Christmas everyone!

  • 31/12 :: New Year's Eve Dinner @ Yveon Loft

  • 01/01 :: Happy 2009 everyone!

  • 07/12 - 10/12 :: Good bye Bishan, Hello Bukit Panjang

  • 19/01 :: Renovation completion



  • To serve more efficiently in God's kingdom

  • To cultivate a closer relationship with my loved ones

  • To lose 10 kgs

  • To learn to be more sensitive spiritually and emotionally

  • To go for a liveonboard dive trip again

  • To exercise musicianship professionally

  • Have a solo photography exhibition in 2008

  • Love more, give more and bless others more!

  • Expanding my photography business

Travel dreams...

  • Watch a live Sumo match in Japan

  • Climb Mt Fuji

  • Watch the Northern lights

  • Play the slots in Las Vegas

  • Trek Nepal

  • Dive in Maldives

  • Shoot New York City


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